"The more people learn, the more they'll earn" - WARREN BUFFET
Success doesn't have to be something you see only on T.V. It's less about being perfect than knowing what you're best at and being properly aligned with your context. You don't need to be literally insane.
If you look at successful people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and other highly successful people they all are successful because they use their time right. They are successful because they are lifetime learners. They commit to learning new things every single day. Warren Buffet one of the wisest wealthiest humans on the planet is famous for reading more than 5 hours every day. Bill gates and other successful CEO reads one book per week.So what's is the common thing between them is they never ever stop learning.
Think about this for a moment you have 86400$ to spend every single day but when the day is over, the money disappears, you can't get it back:
Wouldn't you'll try to spend all of the money before it disappears?
Would you try to use it wisely?
Use it as best as you could?
The sad part is we only have 86400 seconds in a day and most people take this time for granted, that's also a reason for mediocrity and living below your mean and most people let this time disappear without a second thought. We NEVER get this time back. We must use it WISELY! We must be PRODUCTIVE. We must use and spend our time to do things we enjoy or use it to SET UP our life. So we can spend and make our FUTURE doing more things we WANT TO DO, instead of wasting your time on meaningless things use it to learn new things.
The time you waste your time spent playing video games or partying with your friends will never come back. Once you use that time IT'S GONE, FOREVER. Use your time wisely READ BOOKS study hard and learn as much as you can and even if someone stupid makes you interrupt for 20 minutes don't let your 85200 seconds left on thinking about the problem and waste materials that have nothing to do with you.
Most people already give up on their dreams because it gets too hard. and a matter of fact most students don't even try their best when they try because in their mind they have already failed the test. Once the belief is killed the dream is killed so start believing yourself from now.
If you have a dream you will do anything to make it a reality no matter what it takes, you'll never stop, you fall 8 times you get up 9 times and again and again you'll give your better to best to make if this mean to everything for you. If you want to get results you never had before, you are going to have to do things you have never done before!
Thanks for reading.
Success, Key for success, Success rules, Success ideas, success quotes, life advice, life, after motivation, motivation thought, motivational story, the best advice.