MIRACLE MORNING

"There are the only two way to live your life: one as though nothing is a miracle and the other as though everything is a miracle."- Alber Einstien

  • Life begins each morning. - Joel Olsteen
  • Success is always going to be struggling to attain.
  • The first hour of the morning is called a potential hour because what you do in the first hour of your day depends on it very much. So try to be energetic to do some 10 minutes little-little tasks like yoga, high-intensity workout, reading, visualization, meditation, journal, affirmation, running, etc.
  • After looking these up written task makes you pumped to get up in the morning and doing these making you more productive.
  • Life is all about variation, so time to time make variations to your to-do list and daily activity another you get bored after doing the same thing over and over again. If you were able to make variations in your daily basis activity definitely you'll feel more energetic, enthusiastic and excited for the morning to come.
  • It just needed only one idea to change your life.
  • Being average means settling for less than you truly deserve.
  • I want a life of freedom, where I get to wake up and do what I want when I want with whoever I want. Truly love my life and love my work.
  • Live a life of purpose.
  • Don't do easy things, do the right thing and follow with your commitment.
  • Especially when you don't feel like it, you are developing the extraordinary discipline necessary for extraordinary results in your life.
  • Thoughts become action, the action is the discipline of regular work and discipline creates a lifestyle.
  • Determine  the life you want to live, when you see the big picture you take the alarm clock seriously and when the buzzer goes off and you tempted to snooze, you start thinking to wait, this is not who I want to  become someone who doesn't have enough discipline to get out of the bed in the morning, I am getting up now because I am committed to creating the life of my goals not to being mediocre.

thanks for reading
miracle morning summary, miracle morning , how to be a morning person, morning motivation, morning plan, morning person quote, morning quote
