If you understand the ideas behind this time schedule think you discover more new things about real-life experience and really know the real meaning of sticking with the time. Time is the most powerful and astonishing thing we have right now and the sad part is it disappears like your previous reading this post you had finished reading a thing and the time is gone.
- It is possible you have learned more new things in short of time it took you to over than the average adult learns in an entire year. This realization makes you more gratified, happy and excited.
- If you always remain happy and excited it's more often possible your time scheduling is better than most of the 80% human beings.
- Apart from the fact that we all rich or poor, sick or well have the same amount of time, exactly twenty-four hours every day ( that is looking when at time from a static point of view), it is also true that we can always find time for the things we enjoy doing almost never for the things we find unpleasant ( and that is looking at time from the dynamic point of view). I am not merely become philosophical - I am sure you will agree with the concept if you give it a little thought.
- If you have enjoyed learning new things, accepting new challenges, gaining new understanding and discovering the thrill of successful accomplishment, then make sure to stay with the time schedule you have set yourself.
- So before sleeping schedule everything that you want to do next morning and doing the most important thing first don't make a task that takes a week but you want to do it in a one day and if you try to do you'll find yourself in middle of nowhere and you find no accomplishment, instead cut your big task in a small bunches.
- When waking up in the morning first brush your teeth and do the most productive work in the first hour of the morning because the first hour is the most potential and important part of the schedule. Do some exercise highly intense, meditation, journaling, visualization each in 10 minutes.
- After 1 hour of the crucial morning make a cup of coffee ( if you drink so ) or some juicy fruit juice because it makes you more energetic and gives you a performance boost.
- Make a proper time for each and every task and doing the most important thing at first put your phone on silent and do your work 30 minutes without interpretation and then make some nap 5 minutes and then back to work, And in last going to sleep you find you have already finished your task and managing it with your time schedule .
Bonus tip: Avoid interrupting your work until you have completed a session, and always decide, before you stop, exactly when you will plan to do the second important task , vice versa.
Schedule meaning, Schedule Anywhere, scheduling, time schedule, time management, how to schedule tasks, task schedule, sticking with time schedule, after motivation, time schedule for a day.